Tuesday 18 December 2012

Saudi students love to problem solve. The 6 images below 
show students engaged in concerted efforts to complete a task.
Once the task is completed they move to the next station.

The students invited me out to my first ever football match:
Alnasr vs  AlTaawon
The students invited me out to my first ever football match:
Alnasr vs  AlTaawon
Ammar brought us all breakfast! (Recognize anything?)
Ahmed showing of his version of Kabsa. (The student were
to explain in English the process of making Kabsa).

Suhail showing off his Kabsa making skills as a part
of an ESL project. (They were to explain in English only the
process of making Kabsa.)
Our Beige group brought a traditional 
Saudi breakfast. (Honey, tuna, olives, etc) 
Super proud Suliman after receieving an award.
"red" tea (made from pedals)
This is what we ate after 1 soccer game
and 10 volleyball games. (Dr. Fahad's strahah)
Middle schoolers

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Elementary and Middle schoolers bidding on snacks
at a local exhibit.
I had the honor of meeting this man. 
He created a mobile masjid movement.

Mintues prior to this shot, I watched this falcon
hunt down and kill a bird. Remind to share the details
later. (If you have the stomach)
I had the pleasure of riding this camel. Ask me how to 
I got her to sit like this... 
Suhail and I.
I'm truly amazed with him. Listen to these stats:
1 large farm
4 trucks (like the one pictured behind)
4 dogs
numberous birds
1 gazel
4 male camels
100+ female camels
and the list goes on and on.

Suhail's farm. 
He has air conditioned tomatos and peppers green houses.
Suhail's Farm. Equipped with everything any farmer needs to survive. You name it, he has it. Including a gazel.
So we're riding to Suhail's farm one weekend
 and have to wait for our friends to cross the street. 
(Random Camel crossing is a huge problem sometimes
because they are extremely expensive)
Historical Museum, Unaizah.
What date was this museum built?

Historical museum, Unaziah.
This one is for Mrs. Vinson. Can we say "Perfect Competition?"
So Ali over-packs his truck with 5 of us and drives us deep throughout the dessert one night. We get stuck! I'm panicking. Ali says in mid conversation: "no problem, it is no problem." Ali politely got out of his truck, released air from all of his tires, got back in his truck and drove back and forth several times and we were free. He gets big super man points from me! (Here he hands me one of his mom's delicious homemade biscuits).
 Winter nights in the dessert can be super cold. Talk about being thankful for fire!

Abu Ahmed and I enjoy yellow tea, ginzible (ginger) tea, Arabic coffee and Date as we talk politics for hours in his Strah-hah. Abu owns a large date farm here.  Abu Ahmed: means the father of Ahmed (my student).

Monday 3 December 2012

During our first month here we enjoyed hanging out with Mohammed AlKhamees. We watched at least 4 movies and ate all night. One word: stuffed!

Can you afford these? $15k Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

I learned how to write my name in Arabic.

Fine dining, Kingdom's Tower, perfumes and a little change left over.... Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Super size that please...

I had the pleasure of meeting some great artists in Onaizah, Saudi Arabia

Fasial, Isaac, Othman, me, Othman's father, Watende: Onaiza Art Festival

Me, Dr. Fahad and Watende: At Dr. Fahad's strahah in Onaiza.

In Saudi Arabia, it is custom for men to join hands and walk. Here I had the pleasure of walking with esteemed artist Abduallah.

Look familiar?

Art Festival, Onaiza Saudi Arabia

Art Festival in Onaizah

Art Festival in Onaizah

Proper dinner etiquette: right hand only, no silverware