Saturday 26 January 2013

Antar ibn Amr ibn Shaddad bin Muawiyah tick- Absi ( 525 AD - 608 AD)

The story of a black man who pre-dates Islam and lived with his white wife (in the images seen below).

Antar ibn Amr ibn Shaddad bin Muawiyah tick- Absi ( 525 AD - 608 AD) is one of the most famous Arab poets in the pre-Islamic period , known equestrian hair, has suspended famous . وهو أشهر فرسان العرب وأشعرهم وشاعر المعلقات والمعروف بشعره الجميل وغزله العفيف بعبلة . The most famous knights Arabs and Ochaaram and pendants and poet known for his beautiful hair and غزله Afif Bablh .

Dining at Ammo Hamza (5 images)

A day out with the guys

Saudi Sweets

Compliments of Abdulrhman Alharbi

Prince Charlton

Camel, Goats and Sheep Market in Burayduh (2 images)

Top Image:
Every morning at 6 am men bid on animals they wish to keep or eat. 
I instantly became attached to this goat and almost bought if for $500 riyals!
Bottom image:
In the background, men are seen bidding on camels.

King Fahad's Masjid in Oyon Aljewa (two images)

Oyon Aljewa is the third largest masjid in Saudi Arabia

Thursday 24 January 2013

The night it hailed

I didn't know it rained, snowed nor hailed in Saudi. 
I was wrong about all three!

Our visit to a Saudi Organic Farm (6 images)

My classes were afforded the opportunity to meet a very successful organic farmer. 
We spent the day touring his farm and learning new concepts. The students listened
in Arabic and translated everything to English so that I could understand. I drove one of his 
tractors and learned how hay was bailed. In the image below (center image) the white substance found on the ground is salt. It is said that at some point in time (millions of years ago) this part of Saudi Arabia was under water. In the last image, we visited a fort dating back about 400 years. What was interesting was how during times of war, the community would barricade the walls and force the enemy to enter through an underground passage completely filled with water. At the end of our tour, he fed us an organic meal from his farm (sheep, chicken and dates).  
PS: I also had the pleasure to driving a Hummer for the first time in my life... I love Hummers now!

Teaching Students Photography in English (23 images)

Students who were interested in photography
 had the opportunity to learn new concepts and
ideas such as lighting, point of view and candid
just to name a few. Take a look at some of their
work below.








Wednesday 23 January 2013