Sunday 24 February 2013

For My Girls

So the girls have given me a project while here in Saudi. 
Where ever I travel, I am to take the following items with me:
a bracelet and a pencil (for my youngest)
a sock monkey (for my middle)
a shirt that represents her school ( for my oldest)

British Airways, London

Here we are at the bowling alley.

This shirt's for you!

Saudi Candy shop

He were are at a car rally in Ha'il. (we missed the rally)

A Saudi favorite: Arabic coffee

Arabic coffee kettle.

Here's your shirt!

Aren't the mountains lovely?

This tree is made of thorns. A camel's delicacy.

Can you find the bracelet? 

Aren't the mountains lovely? This mountain range extends
for 200 kilometers.

Hai'l mountainous sunset. Say bye!

Welcome to Krispy Kreme! Hai'l

Below are pictures from a museum in Al Methnab

I had the pleasure of driving a Nissan Patrol in the dessert. 
I love this truck.

We helped some friends who were stuck in the sand get free.
Abdullah is holding your sock monkey and bracelet.

Such a beautiful place.

It was Andy's birthday and he wanted to share his cake. 
Andy is from Great Britain.

Below are two pictures of sand storms here.

My good friend Mohammad let me drive his brother's 2012 Range Rover.

I also took a spin in a Mercedes S600 

 Some Saudi love to eat these. Do you know what this is? 

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